Huawei Info Check


Huawei Model + Warranty + Carrier and other details check service

  1. Sample result:
  2. Description: P20 Dual SIM 4GB+128GB (EML-L29)
  3. Model Code: Emily-L29C
  4. IMEI: 861197045463xx
  5. S/N: UBV0218901001xxx
  6. BOARD: 024QKE188R0004xx
  7. IMEI1: 8611970454636xx
  8. MEID HEX 14: A0000095785Fxx
  9. MEID HEX: A0000095785FAxx
  10. WIFI: EC8C9AB6874B
  11. MAC: EC8C9AB68B34
  12. Item Code: 51092HAW
  13. Customer Code: CIS100955
  14. Offer Code: OFFE00058961
  15. Company: SFR
  16. Country Code: FR
  17. Country Name: France
  18. Warranty Status: In Warranty
  19. Warranty Start: 2018/10/10
  20. Warranty Expire: 2020/10/11

Delivery time: Instant

Bulk orders allowed: Yes

Order type: IMEI/Serial number

Service type: Server

Submit to verify allowed: No

Cancellation allowed: No

Order processing: API